Upcoming: HIV and Infant Feeding Webinar Series Session 2 (April 18, 2023)

HIV and Infant Feeding Session 2 Flyer

HIV and Infant Feeding Session 2:
Now What? Care, Monitoring, and Treatment Options for Breast/Chestfeeding Parents Living with HIV and Their Infants

Date and Time

April 18th, 2023

10am – 11:30am PT / 1pm – 2:30pm ET

Learning Objectives

  • List options for antiretroviral prophylaxis for breast/chestfed infants and appropriate scenarios in which to utilize them.
  • Understand common postpartum challenges for breast/chestfeeding parents with HIV and their babies and demonstrate how your clinical practice can support solutions.
  • Describe important aspects of team-based care for breast/chestfeeding parents with HIV and their babies.

Presented by the Pacific AETC and NCCC