1900-1949 - 1900-1949

1907: Charles Curtis becomes the 1st Native American US Senator and VP under Hoover

1907: The Bellingham Riots, Sikh immigrant lumber workers attacked by nativist Asian Exclusion League

1909: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is formed

1917: Immigration Act, banning the entry of labor migrants from Asia

1921: Tulsa race massacre-“Black Wall street” endured 2 days of attacks by white mobs resulting in 300 dead, 10,000 left homeless, and 1,400 businesses destroyed

The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall, is published in the US, bringing the topic of homosexuality to public

Blues singer Ma Rainey is arrested in her house in Harlem for having a lesbian party

Henry Gerber forms the Society for Human Rights, the first gay group in the US, but is quickly shut

1924: Congress creates the Border Patrol, as part of the Department of Labor’s Immigration Bureau

1924: US passes the Indian Citizenship Act, granting citizenship to all Native Americans born in the territorial limits of the US

1926: Woodson establishes Negro History Week in the US

1928: Octaviano Ambrosio Larrazolo of New Mexico is sworn in as the first Hispanic senator

1936: African American Jesse Owens wins 4 gold medals at the Berlin Olympics

1942: The U.S. and Mexico sign the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement, called the Bracero Program, America’s biggest guestworker program created to avoid labor shortages

1942: Executive Order 9066 signed and issued, forcing 120,000 Japanese Americans into internment camps